Tracking Instagram followers count history


Instagram has become a popular platform for businesses and individuals alike to showcase their products, services, and personal stories. With millions of active users, it is essential for brands and influencers to track their follower count and analyze its growth over time. Tracking your Instagram followers count history can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and gauge the interest of your audience. In this article, we will discuss some methods to easily track the history of your Instagram followers count.

1. Manual tracking

The simplest method to track your Instagram followers count is by manually recording the number of followers at regular intervals. You can create a spreadsheet and note down the date and corresponding follower count each time you check it. While this method is straightforward, it is time-consuming and prone to errors. Also, it may not be practical if you have a large number of followers or if you want to track historical data over an extended period.

2. Third-party apps

Another way to track your Instagram followers count history is by using third-party apps. There are several apps available that can automatically track and record your follower count over time. These apps typically provide detailed analytics, such as growth rates, follower demographics, and engagement rates. Some popular options include Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Iconosquare. These apps can save you time and provide a comprehensive overview of your Instagram performance.

3. Instagram Insights

If you have a business or creator account on Instagram, you have access to Instagram Insights. This native analytics tool can provide valuable information about your followers, including their demographics, engagement, and follower count over time. You can access this data by navigating to your profile and tapping on the Insights tab. While Instagram Insights offers basic follower count data, it may not provide the extensive historical data that third-party apps can offer.

4. Social media monitoring tools

In addition to Instagram-specific tools, you can also use social media monitoring tools like Socialbakers, Buffer, or Brandwatch to track your Instagram followers count history. These tools offer comprehensive analytics across various social media platforms, allowing you to compare your performance across different channels and gain insights into your audience’s behavior.

5. Tracking hashtags and mentions

Tracking hashtags and mentions related to your brand or account can also indirectly help you gauge your Instagram followers count history. If your content is being shared and mentioned by others, it can indicate a growing follower base. Tools like Brand24 or Mention can help you track hashtags and mentions across social media platforms.


Tracking the history of your Instagram followers count is crucial for understanding your audience, monitoring your growth, and improving your marketing strategies. Whether you choose manual tracking, third-party apps, or native Instagram Insights, it is essential to regularly analyze your follower count data and adapt your strategies accordingly. By understanding the patterns and trends in your follower count, you can better engage with your audience and optimize your Instagram presence.